The exodus of the father in low house is foretaste of exodus of the oppressor country (Ex 4,19-23)


  • Leonardo Agostini Fernandes Doutor em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana (Roma), diretor e professor de Sagrada Escritura na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio, sócio da ABI, da ABIB, da SOTER, e membro do grupo de Pesquisa da CNPq – Tradução e Interpretação do Antigo Testamento: TIAT



Old Testament, Exodus, Liberation, Mediation, Oppression


This article studies a brief episode about the previous experience of the exodus from the Egypt and the difficulties that Moses, the mediator, will meet to realize his mission. This analyses makes use more a synchronic approach, to emphasize and to explore the literary dimension, because in this approach is possible to obtain, with more clearness, the literal sense and the total sense in the text. In this article avert to fell in the temptation that conduce many scholarships in the past went preoccupied much more with the process and the stages than the final considerations. The reason for this choice stems from the perceptions that the tensions found in the text don’t give only evidence the development the history, but also a strong desire to create a unified narrative, for the message would be more readily for the interlocutor: an experience and expression for the faith in a liberator God.