Mary in Symbolic Theology of Patristic


  • Pedro K. Iwashita Doutor em Teologia pela Universidade de Fribourg, Suiça. Do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Teologia, da PUC/SP. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa: Teologia e Espiritualidade



Patristic, Mary, Symbol, Parallelisms, Eve


This article aims to discuss the presence of Mary in the theology of the Fathers, developed in the early centuries of Christianity, when there was the need to translate the Good News to the Hellenic culture mainly. While there is precedence of the New Testament in relation to the historical Mary, but it can prove the presence of Mary in the life of the apostolic Church, witnessed by the numerous texts of the Church Fathers, who spoke and wrote enthusiastically about Mary. In the early centuries of Christianity insisted on the identity of Mary and the Church. The early church saw the Church in Mary and Mary in the Church, so that the great love for the mystery of the Mother Church can only be understood from the great love it had for the earth mother of the Savior. To talk about the role of Mary, the patristic authors used parallelisms between them, parallelism Mary/Eve and then Mary/Church.