Miriam’s Song (Ex 15,20-21)


  • Matthias Grenzer Doutor em Teologia Bíblica e Mestre em História. Professor na Faculdade de Teologia da PUC-SP. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa TIAT (Tradução e Interpretação do Antigo Testamento).
  • Paulo Freitas Barros Mestre em Teologia Bíblica e membro do Grupo de Pesquisa TIAT (Tradução e Interpretação do Antigo Testamento). Professor no Instituto de Teologia da Diocese de São Miguel Paulista.




Exodus, Miriam, Song, Drumming, Dance


Among the speeches pronounced by man in the book of Exodus, the Song of Moses (Ex 15:1-18) is the longest one. It is the first chant in Holy Scripture of Jews and Christians that brings a prayer of praise and exaltation. Surprisingly, the Song of Moses was transformed immediately into refrain, drumming and dance. Moreover, with the song sung by Miriam followed by other women, becoming percussionists and dancers, occurs an interesting shift of gender. Therefore, suddenly, the female voices join to the voices of Moses and Israel’s sons, making the praise more animated and complete. This study is looking for an exegetical analysis of Ex 15:20-21, a text written in Hebrew. Therefore, it will involve linguistic, literary, historical and especially theological researches.