Forgiveness as an alternative to the problem of evil and sin in the Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics


  • Waldir Souza Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
  • Jefferson Soares da Silva
  • Rodrigo Augusto de Souza



Theology, Hermeneutics, Evil, Forgiveness


The problems that afflict humanity are usually object of study of many authors. Belonging to different areas and with different approaches, there are reflections based on the many facets contemplated by the problem of evil suffered and evil committed. Among these studies are the reflections of Paul Ricoeur (1923-2005). It is highlighted in this article the author’s analysis moving on from the tension between Judeo-Christian myths and symbols up to their relation in human experience and the moral problem of evil. The object was to reflect on the moral problem of evil and sin, and to assert about the possibilities for facing them through forgiveness. For that, the article is split into three sections: 1) Investigation on how the symbolic language is understood by the ricoeurian Hermeneutics; 2) Analysis of ricoeurian conception about the myths and symbols contained in the conception of original sin; 3) Reflections about the forgiveness alternative proposal for the confrontation of evil. As a conclusion, it is possible to infer that the Hermeneutics of Sacred contains strong pedagogical expression when dealing with the topic of forgiveness, substantiated in a rigorous instrument for understanding the experiences of life both of the old and the (post) modern man.

Author Biography

Waldir Souza, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Doutor em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Professor no Bacharelado em Teologia da PUCPR das disciplinas Teologia Fundamental, Antropologia Teológica e Teologia Moral. Professor no PPG em Teologia da PUCPR da disciplina de Tópicos de Teologia e Bioética. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Teologia e Bioética e da Linha de Pesquisa Teologia e Sociedade. Projetos de Pesquisa: 1.Bioética, ciência e espiritualidade; 2. Bioética e Teologia e suas interconexões com as questões sociais; 3. A Ética nas Biotecnologias. Múltiplas perspectivas. Professor no PPG em Bioética da PUCPR da disciplina Tópicos de Bioética e os cuidados no final da vida. Linha de Pesquisa Bioética Clínica e Humanização; Fundamentos da Bioética. Membro do Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa no Uso de Animais (CEUAs) da PUCPR.


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