Nomadism in Antonio Vieira: from the sacred to the secular


  • Murilo Cavalcante Alves Universidade Federal de Alagoas



Antonio Vieira, Nomadism, Luso-Brazilian, Speaker-writer, Sacred


The life and work of the Jesuit Antonio Vieira are integrated in such a way that reflect the zeitgeist of the Luso-Brazilian speaker-writer. Transition time, of significant and contrasting changes in the European mentality, so that Vieira, placed in the center of these tensions, as a preacher in the service of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, could only express how he did it, characterized as a kind of “nomadic” with metaphysical resonances that define his way of being and acting.

Author Biography

Murilo Cavalcante Alves, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Professor Adjunto do Curso de Letras da UFAL - Campus do sertão; Especialista em Metodologia do Ensino Religioso - UNINTER; Especialista em Filologia - PUC-MG; Especialista em Estudos Clássicos - UNB

