Paradigmatics contours of George MacDonald’s spirituality


  • Alexandre Freire Duarte



Unspoken sermons, Spirituality, Love


The spirituality of George MacDonald, as is patented in its “unuttered Sermons” (and other works and of these emanate), orbiting three main poles: the God-Love that ignites what for the subject is unloving; the same guy who needs help to estimate the skin of his “ego” to move to live from his “I”; and finally, the “other” that come to the subject in all the most imponderable circumstances, are fundamentals so that you can operate such transformation made possible only by the filial and fraternal love. Founded the interrelationships between these three poles, questions arise as important for Christian spirituality (and Catholic) as the delivery to the Cross; the role of sensory dryness; the salvific solidarity; love and forgiveness (of God and subject to either with this or towards others) that overcomes the retributive justice; delivery to the present moment; delivery to divine providence; the configuration with Christ; and loving obedience.

Author Biography

Alexandre Freire Duarte

Doutor em Teologia pela Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid); especialista em Teologia espiritual e mística; docente na Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto e Braga) e no Centro de Cultura Católica do Porto. Faculdade de Teologia Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327, 4169-005, Porto, Portugal.

