Meeting between land and sky in the release of the slaves in Egypt


  • Pablo R. Andiñach



Book of Exodus, Hermeneutics, Old Testament theology, Symbolic reading


This article explores the idea that the Book of Exodus presents a God who creates a space in order to promote a meeting between the divine and his people. This space is a privileged place that is accessed by the faith and when the oppression, the anguish and the hopelessness appear they can turn to God because this God is sensitive to the needs of the poor and oppressed people. There are some key-texts which can support this idea such as the birth of Moses, the calling “plagues” of Egypt, the revelation of the meaning of God’s name and others. In all of this is possible to observe the leaning of the God of Israel by those who suffer oppression and his liberating will. The approach favors the literary and symbolic reading, seeking to find out the dynamic of characters and their functions in the narrative. At the end will be delineated the biblical theology that will emerge from this pages.

Author Biography

Pablo R. Andiñach

Dr. Pablo R. Andiñach, da Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.

