The experience of mercy in the initiation of sacraments to christian life


  • Luís Felipe Carneiro Marques
  • Marcos Vieira das Neves



Mercy, Sacrament, Christian initiation, Symbolic-ritual action


The righteousness of the disciple of Jesus must overcome the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, and their self understanding must be in relationship with the person of Jesus, who has always a look of mercy and manifests the will of God expressed in his covenant. The whole initiation must have paschal character and the Paschal Mystery is the maximum point of revelation and action of mercy, able to restore justice as the realization of the salvific plan of God. The purpose of the sacrament of reconciliation is to become worthy of God’s love and his presence announcing and performing again reconciled to God with man. It is necessary to find ways for the sacraments of Christian initiation and the sacrament of penance, they are experienced as relational encounter with the loving Father who always forgives. For a decision to participate in communion, the Christian should always remember your baptism. The Eucharist does not require a generic ritual dignity, but the baptismal dignity, which is not ritual but existential type. Seen it, we investigate here the experience of mercy in the sacraments of initiation into the Christian life, making use for such a document analysis of teaching and authors investigating the issue at hand. Noting, finally, that the Christian salvation is featured in the encounter with the mercy of God in free communication that He makes you.

Author Biographies

Luís Felipe Carneiro Marques

Franciscano conventual, presbítero, licenciado em Filosofia pelo Universidade Católica de Filosofia (2008), bacharel em Teologia pelo Instituto São Boaventura (2012), mestre em Teologia litúrgica dos sacramentos pelo Pontifício Ateneu de S. Anselmo (Roma - 2015), professor de teologia da liturgia e teologia dos sacramentos, reitor do Seminário S. Francisco de Assis em Brasília-DF. Tel. 61 99603-9192.

Marcos Vieira das Neves

Possui graduação em Administração - Habilitação em Finanças e Controladoria pelo Centro Universitário Anhanguera (2004), graduação em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (2014) e graduação em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (2009). É sacerdote e atualmente aluno do Programa de Mestrado em Teologia na PUC-SP. Membro do grupo de pesquisa Teologia Litúrgica da PUC-SP. Tel. 19 98435-3535 e 19 98870-0110.




