The culture of meeting in the new parish


  • Denilson Geraldo
  • Rodrigo Fernando Alves



New Parish, Feasts, Popular religiousness, Culture of Meeting


The New Parish is called to gradually become “community of communities”, especially from the new developments in ecclesiology in Latin America (CELAM), Brazil (CNBB) and Francis pontificate. The New Parish is a place of listening to the Word, of the Eucharist (communion) and charity (ágape). In this perspective, the article in question seeks to understand the value of Feasts and popular religiosity in the dynamics of the new parish. Jewish Feasts were beautiful moments of love, sharing with the Temple, pilgrimage, family celebration and gifts of land, community meeting, cultivate the historical memory. Today, the parish and community Feasts are invited to redeem these senses, motivated by Francis Pope’s appeal that grow in the Church the “Culture of Encounter.” The New Parish can promote, through parties and popular religiousness, the meeting and solidarity in a globalized world, which suffers from the individualism and selfishness.

Author Biographies

Denilson Geraldo

Doutor em Direito Canônico e professor do Programa de pós-graduação em Teologia da PUC-SP.

Rodrigo Fernando Alves

Mestrando em Teologia do Programa de pós-graduação em Teologia da PUC-SP.




