In persona Christi servi: the diakonia of Christ and the diaconal ministry


  • Luciano Rocha Pinto



Christology, diakonia, deacon


Ignatius of Antioch was, perhaps, the first to approach and relate the deacons’s ministry with Jesus Christ when alleges they must be respected as Christ himself. The ecclesial exercise of diakonia forged, then, the deacon, corresponding it to Christ the Servant. This approach acquires visibility in the early communities, from the qualitative needs of those ministers. As Christ Servant, the deacons must be meek and truthful, recognized by his zeal to Good News and his care with others. The Diakonia of every Christian should, therefore, be the distinguishing mark of deacon, whose ministry is ordained to service.

Author Biography

Luciano Rocha Pinto

Pós-doutorando em Teologia (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PPGT- PUC-Rio). Doutor em História (PPGH-UERJ).

