The Evangelization as definition of the identity of the Church: leave be evangelized to evangelize


  • Alzira Munhoz
  • Marcel Alcleante Alexandre de Sousa



Evangelization, Church, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Evangelii Gaudium


The approach of this monographic work traverses about the theme of evangelization. The image of God on the scientific, politic and economic panorama it not the same comparing to the beginnings of faith. There was a time that God was response to unexplained situations. All passed through the bias of faith, but in the secularized world, the faith has no importance. However, what Evangelii Nuntiandi and Evangelii Gaudium have to contribute in the framework of evangelization, not discarding the reality that the Church it finds? The objective is to understand, from these documents evangelization action of the Church. The methodology used in this research is bibliographic effective for a hermeneutics theological. It is constituted by three chapters. The first makes a return to the missionary foundation of the Vatican Council II. The second approaches aspects about the history of the Church, both in the early phase and the period of Christianity; and the third discusses the identity of the Church from the Evangelii Nuntiandi and Evangelii Gaudium. We conclude our work showing that the identity of the Church is to evangelize. It becomes Church if it evangelizes.

Author Biographies

Alzira Munhoz

Doutora em Teologia (FAJE). Professora do Instituto Santo Tomás de Aquino. Orientadora da pesquisa.

Marcel Alcleante Alexandre de Sousa

Graduado em Filosofia (UEPB). Graduado em Teologia (ISTA).


