Is 25,6-12: historical, eschatological or apocalyptic announcement?


  • Leonardo Agostini Fernandes



Eschatology, divine justice, Judgment of conviction, Judgment of salvation


In the name of YHWH, a "prophet" announces great and wonderful events for the community of believers and for all peoples: the abundance instead of scarcity, life instead of death, joy instead of sorrow, the victory rather than defeat. Is the end of pain, suffering, death and the opprobrium of the elected people. Salvation came to the faithful who have put in YHWH your hope and salvific rules cover a last act: the destruction, the relegation of enemy city and its fortifications. Victory for those who have trusted in YHWH and defeat for the wicked. This announcement concerns who speaks to a community that did not believe in YHWH and salvific in his speech. A community has lived in penury, supporting pain and suffering, living with death and disgrace but now rejoices because the good triumphs over evil. Salvation is so certain that the announcement of the banquet is done before the announcement of the destruction of the death and condemnation of the enemy. Celebrated before what will come after. This reversal reveals the certainty of the action of YHWH in favor of his people. Is 25,6-12, seen throughout the Hebrew Bible, is an ad unheard of both by-phrases as the transmitted message. A question may be raised: It is an historic, an apocalyptic or an eschatological announcement?

Author Biography

Leonardo Agostini Fernandes

Doutor em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana de Roma. Docente de Sagrada Escritura do Departamento de Teologia da PUC-Rio e do ISTARJ. E-mail:

