The great changes in society and their implications


  • Rafael Lopez Villasenor Doutor em Ciências Sociais, mestre em Ciências da Religião, diretor do Centro Cultural Conforti (Curitiba -PR). Membro do grupo Interdisciplinar da CRB (Conferência dos Religiosos do Brasil). Padre da Congregação dos Missionários Xaverianos.



Signs of the times, Society net, Transformations, Religiousness


This article aims to be a tool that can help in interpreting the signs of the times. We seek to lift some items that can help in reading the junctures of temporary modern society called by sociologists!of liquid, in which relationships, habits, ways of proceeding and change in a very short time. In liquid modernity, traditional paradigms weaken and change very quickly; human ties weaken and become exible. Furthermore, we observe the growing of a type of subjective, individualistic and diffuse religiosity without institutions. This has implications for the pastoral activity.