Relationship between Nature and Grace – Brief historical presentation


  • Matheus Bernardes



Grace, Nature, Human, Jesus Christ, Augustinism, Thomism


The relationship nature and grace has been studied by many theologians. Yet we can not say that there is a full understanding of the subject; remains open theme for theological reflection. The brief presentation that follows deals only major considerations that arose in the history of anthropological and theological study: the contributions of Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas, the controversy over the state of pure nature, deviations from Augustinism and Thomism and studies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries on the subject, especially the thought of Henri de Lubac. He could not put aside all the reflection born of the post-conciliar theological spin, particularly from the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes and the consideration of the concrete human being and his life story in relation to the One who is the face of grace, Jesus Christ.

Author Biography

Matheus Bernardes

Mestre em Teologia Sistemática com acento em Antropologia Teológica atuando naArquidiocese de Campinas.