The Pauline rhetorical structures in translations in Portuguese: a study of 1Corinthians 1,17-25


  • Vicente Artuso
  • Vera Lúcia Membrive Casagrande
  • Fabrizio Zandonadi Catenassi



Corinthians, Rhetoric, Paul, Translation


The aim of this paper was to make a stylistic-literary analysis of 1Cor 1,17-25, focusing on the rhetorical and oral elements of this speech of Paul, as well as to investigate the way in which some versions of the Bible in Portuguese interpret these elements. It was presented the translation and a linguistic-syntactic analysis of 1Cor 1,17-25, the literary context and the delimitation of the text. Then, it was made the stylistic-literary analysis. Paul known the Greek rhetoric when using diatribe, the language of controversy and when playing with rhetorical questions to make speech most convincing. In this article, it was noted that for some translations, in some details, Paul’s rhetoric is somewhat attenuated regarded that the interpretation of certain terms, especially when the conjunction can have adversative value and this is not considered.

Author Biographies

Vicente Artuso

Doutor em Teologia Bíblica pela PUC-Rio. Professor no Mestrado e Doutorado em Teologia pela PUCPR.

Vera Lúcia Membrive Casagrande

Mestra em Teologia (PUCPR), doutoranda em Teologia (PUCPR).

Fabrizio Zandonadi Catenassi

Mestre em Teologia (PUCPR), doutorando em Teologia (PUCPR – bolsista CNPQ). Professor de Sagrada Escritura e coordenador da pós-graduação em Teologia Bíblica na Católica SC.




