Appointments about johannine christology: epistemological budgets of the christological saga of the Fourth Gospel hero


  • Danilo Dourado Guerra Faculdade Araguaia



Jesus, christology, Gospel of John, hero


The present article has in its genesis an attempt of epistemological contribution in relation to the meanders that involve the complex process of construction and christological structuration in the Fourth Gospel. In this sense, we aim to provide some interpretive theoretical substrates for an essay to decode the enigmatic face of the johannine Jesus. The first theoretical substrate to be pointed out concerns the dialogical scope between the johannine Christology and the rest of the New Testament Christological framework. The second theoretical-interpretative layer addressed concerns the circumstantial interpretive vectors of the life of the johannine community, which corroborate or influence the construction of the image of the hero of the Fourth Gospel.

Author Biography

Danilo Dourado Guerra, Faculdade Araguaia

Doutorado (2018) e mestrado (2015) em Ciências da Religião pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, com estágio doutoral sanduíche na Università Degli Studi di Padova, Itália (2017). Bolsista CAPES PROSUC/PDSE. Bacharelado em Teologia pelo Seminário Teológico Batista Nacional - SETEBAN-GO (2009-2011) e pela Faculdade da Igreja Ministério Fama-FAIFA (2012-2012). e-mail:


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