Procedures for the negotiation of meaning in oral narratives of the elderly


  • Jayne Guterres de Mello Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Janice Vielmo Cáceres
  • Elenir Fedosse


language, narration, aged, speech, language and hearing sciences, linguistics.


stract This study investigates the oral language of the elderly, seized in the context of an interview, especially the narrative of a fact relevant to their lives. We analyzed the processes of negotiation of meaning between elderly and interviewers. We interviewed 237 elderly residents in a small town in RS. This sample was defined based on a stratified probability procedure on a uniform and systematic population of 2053 elderly. We excluded elderly patients with neurological disease, incapacitating mental or other changes to the verbal interaction. Extracted 18 clippings narratives, where there was the process of negotiation of meaning, especially the way the call was made and the investment of the interviewer during the narrative of the elderly and in the interest of producing a narrative. The issues more accessible and the condition of the elderly to develop them coherently were identified. It is a qualitative research, followed by the theoretical and methodological principles of Neurolinguistic Discourse. We observed different types of invitation to narrate, which did not influence the narrative development of the elderly; however, investment in trading towards the interviewer was an essential factor for the production of a narrative (itself) or a comment about a material fact of life. The most recurrent themes were negative memories, as the loss of family, sickness and material difficulties. The interaction between seniors and partners available allows the productive use of language, encouraging the elderly to maintain their autonomy and leadership, redefines the meaning of old age with dignity and quality of life.


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Author Biographies

Jayne Guterres de Mello, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Fonoaudióloga; Mestranda em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

Janice Vielmo Cáceres

Fonoaudióloga; Mestre em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

Elenir Fedosse

Fonoaudióloga; Doutora em Linguística pela UNICAMP; Docente do Curso de Fonoaudiologia na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).



How to Cite

Mello, J. G. de, Cáceres, J. V., & Fedosse, E. (2014). Procedures for the negotiation of meaning in oral narratives of the elderly. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 26(1). Retrieved from


