Verification of hearing aid electroacoustic characteristics: comparative study of softwares of different manufacturers


  • Juliana Rezende Mestre em Fonoaudiologia pela PUC-SP
  • Renata S.L. Figueiredo Doutoranda em Fonoaudiologia pela PUC-SP.
  • Beatriz C.A.C. Novaes Doutora em Audiologia pela Columbia University, Professora titular da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e da Saúde da PUCSP.


hearing aids, hearing loss, child.


Introduction: The diversity of specifi c properties of algorithms developed by the hearing aids manufacturers makes the verifi cation process in hearing aids fi ttings even more important and fundamental especially for the pediatrics population. Goal: To compare the prescribed electroacustic characteristics and modifi cations suggested for acclimatization among softwares of different hearing aids manufacturers. Method: Six simulated cases of sensorineural hearing losses were analyzed. Three softwares of hearing aids brands were chosen, based on the following criteria: software NOAH 3.0 with the choice for NALNL1 and DSL [i/o]v4.1; availability of measurements for output at the 2cc coupler for different intensities of input signal. Procedures: - Verifi cation of output values with the 2cc coupler when compared with the values presented for each brand software, for each hearing loss, using NAL-NL1 and DSL [i/o] v.4.1. Verifi cation of output values prescribed by the original DSL[i/o] v.4.1, as compared with those prescribed by the manufacturer software considering level of acclimatization. Results: A large variation of the amplifi cation provided by the hearing aids was found in most frequencies, for different input levels. This variation was between -3 and -28 dB in high frequencies, comparing the DSL[i/o]v4.1 manufacturer method and the original one. Conclusion: The results of this study have revealed the verifi cation of the electroacoustic characteristics of the hearing aids during the fi tting process, ensuring the patient, especially children, a more appropriate amplifi cation.


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How to Cite

Rezende, J., Figueiredo, R. S., & Novaes, B. C. (2012). Verification of hearing aid electroacoustic characteristics: comparative study of softwares of different manufacturers. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 24(3). Retrieved from


