Self evaluation of hearing handicap among textile industry workers


  • Adriana Soares Alves Fonoaudióloga, Mestre em Fonoaudiologia pela PUC-SP.
  • Ana Claudia Fiorini Doutora em Saúde Pública pela FSP-USP, Professora Associada do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fonoaudiologia da PUC-SP e Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Fonoaudiologia da EPM-UNIFESP)


noise induced hearing loss, occupational noise, hearing disorders, noise effects, occupational health.


Objective: to investigate hearing handicap self-assessment among textile workers with and without noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Design: A cross-sectional epidemiological study among workers noise exposed (> 85 dBA), at least two years. Study sample: The subjects (n = 83), aged 23 – 62 years old, were matched by without NIHL (n= 54) and with NIHL (n= 29). A pure-tone audiometry, questionnaire survey and Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults (HHIA) were performed. Results: In group without NIHL were found 27, 8% audiometric notch at 6 kHz, at least an ear. In NIHL group the frequency range of hearing loss were between 3-8 kHz in right ear and 2-8 kHz in left ear. The fi ndings indicate no handicap in group without NIHL and 27, 8% mild-moderate handicap in group with NIHL. Self-reported hearing loss was associate signifi cantly with be in group with NIHL. Compared to group without NIHL, the NIHL group can recognize complaints like irritability (p= 0,032), hypertension (p= 0,001) and tinnitus (p= 0,043). Conclusions: Although the fi ndings did not showed high HHIA scores, data from this study reinforce the need for using an instrument for evaluating the hearing complaints, independent of the audiometric data.


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How to Cite

Alves, A. S., & Fiorini, A. C. (2012). Self evaluation of hearing handicap among textile industry workers. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 24(3). Retrieved from


