Primary health care: concepts and practices of speech language pathologists and audiologists professors
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Staff Development, Primary Health Care, Unified Health System.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the conceptions of the teachers of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology courses of Bahia state regarding Primary Health Care (PHC) and investigate their teaching practices related to the topic. Methods: A case study with quantitative and qualitative approach. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analysis of the lattes platform resume. The analysis of content information was carried out through quantitative description of the teachers’ profile and qualitative from pre-defined categories and categories that emerged from the responses collected. Results: In general, the study showed that the subjects have little time teaching in Collective Health (CH), with the academic and professional education with restricted relationship with this presenting area when compared to specialized clinical areas, which may cause difficulties in the development of practices in PHC. The teachers showed weak points on the conception of the PHC, addressing most frequently to attributes such as access and completeness over longitudinality and care coordination, which is suggestive of recent relation of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology and PH. As for the teaching practice, it was perceived actions that do not interact with the attributes of the PHC. Conclusions: There are challenges regarding the teaching of PHC mostly related to the concepts and pedagogical practices in the Speech Language Pathology and Audiology courses of Bahia. It’s observed incipient theoretical and pedagogical appropriation for effective changes in the teaching-learning process.Downloads
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How to Cite
Moura, D., & Arce, V. A. R. (2016). Primary health care: concepts and practices of speech language pathologists and audiologists professors. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 28(1). Retrieved from
Copyright (c) 2016 Débora Moura, Vladimir Andrei Rodrigues Arce
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