Effects of Animal Assisted Activity in elderly’s communication conducts: speech therapy approach


  • Glícia Ribeiro de Oliveira PUC SP
  • Maria Claudia Cunha PUC SP




Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Animal Assisted Therapy, Dogs, Elderly, Communication


Introduction: Studies on the use of animals in the treatment of people emphasize the promotion or
improvement of health related to the beneficial effects of the so-called Animal-Assisted Interventions, the
IAAs. Objective: To describe the effects of Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) in elderly communication.
Method: Research of clinical-qualitative nature, developed in a geriatric clinic, obeying the ethical
criteria for conducting research with human beings. Casuistry: 09 elderly, of both genders, in the age
group between 61 and 92 years who demonstrated disposition / motivation through contact with the dog
participating in the study. Dog selection followed criteria relating to health assessment, temperament and
socialization. Procedure: Six group visits, monthly, lasting 45 minutes, videotaped. The material was
transcribed for the most significant verbal and non-verbal elements of the speech-hearing-elderly-dog
interaction, favoring communicative behaviors. Three visits of the researcher were registered without
the presence of the dog, for comparative effect. Results: The presence of the dog was a facilitator of
the interactions and promoted the establishment / strengthening of the interpersonal ties regarding the
occurrence and characterization of the dialogical activity, occurrence and characterization of nonverbal
behaviors and psychosocial behaviors of the elderly. Conclusion: The presence of the dog was configured
as a potent resource, whose effectiveness was revealed by the significant evolution of the communicative
performance of the studied subjects. This research intends to contribute with the search of scientific
evidences on the subject, specifically in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.


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Author Biographies

Glícia Ribeiro de Oliveira, PUC SP

Graduada em Fonoaudiologia, mestre em Fonoaudiologia e doutoranda em Fonoaudiologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.

Maria Claudia Cunha, PUC SP

Graduada em Fonoaudiologia, mestre em Distúrbios da Comunicação e doutora em Psicologia Clínica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo . Professora titular do Departamento de Clínica Fonoaudiológica da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e da Saúde da PUCSP. Tem experiência profissional na área de diagnóstico/ terapia de transtornos da Linguagem e desenvolve pesquisas sobre o método clínico fonoaudiológico nas interfaces entre linguagem, corpo e psiquismo.



How to Cite

Oliveira, G. R. de, & Cunha, M. C. (2017). Effects of Animal Assisted Activity in elderly’s communication conducts: speech therapy approach. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 29(4), 644–653. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-2724.2017v29i4p644-653


