The intensity of vocal fatigue symptoms and acoustic parameters of teachers before and after vocal loading
Fatigue, Voice, Faculty, Dysphonia, WomanAbstract
Introduction: Vocal fatigue is a set of vocal symptoms manifested after prolonged and/or intense vocal use that is frequently observed in teachers. Objective: to describe and compare acoustic parameters and self-perception of vocal fatigue symptoms before and after a vocal exposure by the teacher in the occupational environment. Methods: 30 women, with an average of 40.37 years old, public school teachers, were submitted to the recording of acoustic parameters and self-perception evaluation of the intensity of vocal fatigue symptoms before and after vocal use in the classroom. The Advanced Mult-Dimensional Voice Programm (MDVP-Adv) was used to extract acoustic parameters. Results: only the SPI parameter of noise showed a significant decrease after vocal use (p=0.02). Symptoms of hoarseness, vocal failures, sore/ burning throat, tiredness to maintain speech increased after occupational voice use. Conclusion: after occupational voice use, the SPI breathiness rate decreased and the vocal fatigue symptoms increased.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ariane Damasceno Pellicani, Alice Fontes Ramos, Francisco Flavio Santos, Rodrigo Dornelas, Aline Ferreira de Brito-Mota
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