Auditory-perceptual effects of an oral communication training on university radio broadcasters




Communication, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Radio, Voice training, Universities


Introduction: students of communication courses see on university radio stations the opportunity to develop the skills needed for the job market. Objective: to describe the auditory-perceptual effects of an oral communication training on university radio announcers. Method: the Expressiveness Development Program for Oral Communication was applied to eight speakers. There were eight meetings with two hours each. In the first and last meeting, the material for auditory-perceptual evaluation was collected in which the participants read an informative text. The samples were randomized and dichotomized in Reading A and Reading B. Two speakers had their readings duplicated for the analysis of internal reliability. Three speech therapists performed analysis of this material without knowing the period to which they belonged. Only the judgment of the one that showed the highest internal coefficient was considered. Results: of the eight pairs of readings evaluated, six were considered different after training. Of these six different pairs, four were better after the intervention. The association of voice, speech and interpretation was pointed out as the reason for choosing three of these readings, the most evident change being diction. The values of the notes of the readings after the training showed to be superior. Voices with slight deviation had a slight reduction. The vocal frequency remained inadequate, unlike the other vocal resources that showed a slight improvement: intensity, speech rate, pauses, modulation and emphasis. Conclusion: the reading notes, the vocal quality and some vocal resources, except for the frequency of speech, showed a slight evolution at the end of the training.


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Author Biographies

Denis de Jesus Batista, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Pós-graduando em Fisiologia do Exercício aplicado à clínica pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Santos/SP. Bacharel em Fonoaudiologia pelo Centro Universitário Jorge Amado (UNIJORGE) - Salvador/BA. 


Aline Santos da Conceição, Centro Universitário Jorge Amado

Bacharel em Fonoaudiologia pelo Centro Universitário Jorge Amado (UNIJORGE) - Salvador/BA.


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How to Cite

Batista, D. de J., & Conceição, A. S. da. (2021). Auditory-perceptual effects of an oral communication training on university radio broadcasters. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 33(3), 557–570.


