Variation of electrical activity between rest and maximum voluntary contraction of masseter muscles in adult men
Masseter Muscle, Electromyography, Adult, Speech, Language and Hearing SciencesAbstract
Introduction: Surface electromyography (EMGs) is an objective, painless, non-invasive and easily applied test used to assess the electrical activities of a particular muscle or muscle group during maximum voluntary contraction, rest and functional dynamics. Objective: Compare the variation in the electrical potential of the masseter muscles between rest and maximum voluntary contraction in individuals with different age groups. Method: The research was approved by the ethics committee and carried out at the Clínica Escola of the department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at the Federal University of Sergipe, obeying ethical and biosafety rigors. The sample consisted of 26 adults without orofacial complaints, male with age from 26 to 42 years old, divided into Group 1 and Group 2, who signed a consent form agreeing to participate in the research. The volunteers underwent electromyographic evaluation of the masseter muscles during rest and maximum voluntary contraction. Results: There was a decrease in the electrical activity of the masseter when comparing G1 to G2; however, there was no linearity of this decline when analyzing the universe studied. Therefore, it must be taken into account that aging is a particular physiological process of each individual, being influenced by multiple factors, intrinsic and extrinsic to the organism. It was also observed at rest, no individual had absolutely 0 in their electromyographic records, characterizing a baseline state of electrical activity to guarantee tone. Conclusion: It was found that volunteers aged 30 years or more showed a decline in myoelectric potentials and possibly an associated strength deficit.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Taylinne Santana Feitosa, Nathaly Santiago Silva, Gerlane Karla Bezerra Oliveira Nascimento
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