Cinema and education

experience report of extension during the Covid-19 pandemic




Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Education, Distance, Coronavirus, Pandemics, Education, Higher


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic directly impacted the lives of teachers and students, who, due to social isolation, had to reinvent the teaching and learning process. Technology became the main form of contact and was the means to continue classes and extension projects. Objective: To report the experience of the idealization and execution of an extension project based on active teaching-learning methodologies involving the theme of cinema in times of social isolation in an undergraduate course in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. Methods: The organizing committee was composed of 3 professors and students of the Speech Therapy course at a private college. Through prior planning, the members of the commission chose the film, the panelists and the process of registering and publicizing the activity was carried out. The event was held through the remote conference service “ZOOM”. Results: 12 editions, lasting 2 hours each, were promoted, with a total of 1717 subscribers, 896 listeners. In total, 36 panelists were invited to the discussions, from the area of ​​speech therapy, psychology, physiotherapy, nursing technician, law, business, military police, administration, medicine and pedagogy. The panelists addressed personal and professional topics, giving listeners a deeper and different look at the film and the contexts experienced daily. Conclusion: The execution of the extension project CineUNIPLAN, by remote modality, provided the engagement of the students of the undergraduate course in speech therapy in times of social isolation, raising relevant discussions, in a relaxed moment.


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How to Cite

Corrêa, C. de C., Fidêncio, V. L. D., Martins, J. R., Pereira, I. M. de J., Rodrigues, K. K., Louzas, R. M., Berretin-Felix, G., & Noblat, L. R. de M. (2021). Cinema and education: experience report of extension during the Covid-19 pandemic. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 33(4), 784–792.


