Chewing function in different life cycles

analysis with electromyography




Chewing, Electromyography, Bite force, Child, Adolescent, Adult, Aged


Introduction: Chewing is of significant importance for the development of the structures of the Stomatognathic System (SE), which is improved throughout life. Surface electromyography stands out as an important assessment tool capable of quantifying the electrical activity of the masticatory muscles, being a way to characterize the behavior of this stomatognathic function. Observing the complexity and importance of chewing, it is important to better understand the changes in this function during the life cycles. Objective: The objective of the study was to perform an electromyographic analysis of the muscles of mastication in individuals without orofacial complaints representing the cycles of childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senescence. Method: The sample consisted of 120 volunteers of both sexes, distributed in four groups according to the age group. The volunteers underwent chewing assessment by means of surface electromyography during rest, maximum voluntary contraction, unilateral right and left chewing and habitual chewing; as well as the verification of the bite force between the central incisor teeth, molars on the right side and molars on the left side. Facial anthropometric measurements of the direct and left hemifaces of the volunteers were also taken. Results: The results showed distinct morphological and functional behaviors between the groups studied, as well as the influence of the gender variable on the electrophysiological responses of the masticatory function. Conclusion: it was found that the masticatory behavior varied according to age and sex, pointing to a trend of correlation between the anatomical and functional components involved in this stomatognathic function.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, G. K. B. O. ., Bulhões, R. de S., Cruz, P. J. A. ., & Silva, H. J. da . (2022). Chewing function in different life cycles: analysis with electromyography. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(1), e53050.


