Report on a multiprofessional experience with a group of high-risk pregnant women




High-Risk Pregnancy, University Hospitals, Health promotion, Health Education


Introduction: The mother’s attitudes and choices during pregnancy reflect on the baby’s growth and development, which makes it essential to have educational and health promotion actions. When developed by a multiprofessional team, such actions are even more efficient, as they have a greater diversity of information for pregnant women. Objective: To describe the multiprofessional experience of health promotion actions with high-risk pregnant women and their companions. Methods: This is an experience report of meetings held weekly in the rooming-in ward of a university hospital, in which four beds are available to high-risk pregnant women. Conversation groups were organized with pregnant women and their companions, speech-language-hearing students and professors, and the hospital’s nurses. Informational material was developed for the participants, as well as a poster exposed to the public in the rooming-in ward. Results: Participants were receptive to and interested in the conversation group topics, which were gradually developed as each one shared their experiences and questions. Conclusion: The multiprofessional work led to reflections on breastfeeding and the stomatognathic system, expanding the dialog about other speech-language-hearing topics. Health-promotion actions empower participants to actively contribute to their understanding of health needs, such as mother/baby care.


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How to Cite

Arakawa-Belaunde, A., Jesus, C., Pereira, E., Rosseto, I., Spinelli, J. I., Weschenfelder, J., & Machado, L. (2022). Report on a multiprofessional experience with a group of high-risk pregnant women. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(3), e53953.


