Older people’s perception of hearing health promotion





Auditory Perception, Hearing, Aged, Health Promotion, Qualitative Research, Aging


Objective: To analyze, from the perspective of health promotion, older people’s reflections on hearing health experiences shared in Cultural Circles. Method: Qualitative participant action study based on Paulo Freire’s line of research, comprising three stages: topic investigation, coding and decoding, and critical unveiling. Four Cultural Circles were carried out with 13 older people from an Open University for Older People in a municipality in Southern Brazil. The unveiling was based on Freire’s methodology, which indicates the analytical process. Results: The participants pointed out in oral and written debates and reflections their perceptions of hearing. Altogether, 22 generating topics were investigated, as they revealed perceptions, transformations, fears, difficulties with acceptance, and overcoming difficulties related to topics on hearing. The participants showed interest in having auditory examinations to monitor their hearing skills. Conclusion: The Cultural Circles with older people revealed the possibility of obtaining more in-depth knowledge of hearing health and helping improve their quality of life.


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How to Cite

Bernardo, G., Potgurski, D., Silva, D., Souza, J., Heidemann, I., & Arakawa-Belaunde, A. (2022). Older people’s perception of hearing health promotion. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(1), e54627. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-2724.2022v34i1e54627


