The impact of the measures by the reference centers in worker’s health on the compulsory notification nihl data in the Brazilian Federal District
a qualitative study
Occupational health, Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced, Surveillance of the Workers Health, Health Information Systems, Occupational Accidents Registry, Disease NotificationAbstract
Introduction: Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a hearing impairment that affects workers exposed to loud noises and is one of the conditions that must be reported to the Brazilian Disease Reporting Information System (SINAN). Objective: To analyze the impact of the measures developed by the Reference Centers in Workers’ Health (CEREST-DF) in relation to NIHL notifications in the Brazilian Federal District. Methods: A longitudinal, retrospective study was carried out based on the analysis of secondary data of NIHL notifications from SINAN-DF. Since its implementation. CEREST-DF reports were collected on the measures developed and analysis of CEREST documents looking for measures that were carried out with NIHL and the effect they caused. Results: Utilizing educational measures such as projects, lectures, active search, among others CEREST carries out health education, and to target audiences, there was a noticeable increase in notifications in the same periods of these measures being carried out with employees and employers. In addition, a speech therapist was hired by the CEREST team what also helped to increase these numbers, since speech therapists are professionals involved in the health of hearing. Conclusion: This study made it possible to see that the measures carried out by CEREST are reflected in the number of NIHL notifications in SINAN which helped to reduce under-reporting.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rayane da Silva Santiago Lima, Giovanna de Sabóia Bastos, Kelly Cristianne Barbalho Moreira, Vanessa de Oliveira Martins-Reis
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