The mirror game

the interference of stereotypes in the speech of radio and podcast communicators




Voice, Radio, Stereotyping, Communication, Webcast, Speech-in-noise perception, Speech Perception


Introduction: Radio and podcast listeners deduce personality traits when they listen to presenters, exclusively from the speech of these professionals. Objective: To identify the factors that interfere in the attribution of personality characteristics based on the voice, and to discuss how the audience´s judgment can modify the performance of radio and podcast presenters. Methods: Through initial bibliographic survey, bibliographical references on voice judgment research were presented, considering sociocultural and gender aspects, and the interference of stereotypes in the behavior and speech of individuals. Results: Surveys of personality judgment by voice indicate that the listeners; assessment is based on the most striking and socially valued personality traits: the stereotypes. Considering that the same values ​​are also shared by communicators, it is possible to suppose that they try imprinting characteristics in their speech that please the public. Conclusion: The attempt to correspond to stereotypes seems to result in the standardization of the speech of radio and podcast communicators.


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Author Biographies

Tania Calderaro Morales, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Jornalista, mestranda em Comunicação e Saúde na PUC - SP

Léslie Piccolotto Ferreira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

professora titular do Departamento de Teorias e Métodos da Fonoaudiologia e da Fisioterapia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Morales, T. C., & Ferreira, L. P. (2022). The mirror game: the interference of stereotypes in the speech of radio and podcast communicators. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(2), e54784.


