Influence of age and time of use of the Stimulating Palatal Plate by children with Trisomy 21 on orofacial myofunctional changes perceived by parents, children’s adaptation, and family’s satisfaction after four months of treatment




Down Syndrome, Child, Treatment Adherence and Compliance, Rehabilitation, Orthotic Devices


Purpose: to verify if the age of children with Trisomy 21 and the time of use per day of the stimulating palatal plate influence the child’s adaptation to the plate, the orofacial myofunctional changes perceived by the parents, and the family’s satisfaction, after four months of treatment. Methods: 14 parents or legal guardians of children with Trisomy 21, aged between 3 and 20 months, participated in the study. Treatment with the stimulating palatal plate was carried out for four months. The child’s adaptation to the plate, the orofacial myofunctional changes perceived by the parents, and the families’ satisfaction with the treatment were investigated through a questionnaire prepared by the research authors and answered by the mothers after four months of treatment. Results: The mean age of the children who participated in the study was 10 months and the standard deviation was 4.9 months. The results of the questionnaire indicated an association between age and lip posture, reported by parents, during the use of the stimulating palatal plate, and all children under 10 months maintained lip closure, according to the parents, during the use of the plate. Age was also associated with satisfaction with the service, as the mothers of younger children were more satisfied. Conclusion: The study results indicate an association between age and lip posture, reported by the parents, during the use of the plate, and between age and satisfaction with the service. Thus, it suggests that early treatment with the stimulating palatal plate benefits children with Trisomy 21.


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How to Cite

Almeida, B. R. S. de, Ferreira, J. E. de A., Almeida, T. D. D., Pretti , H. ., & Furlan, R. M. M. M. (2023). Influence of age and time of use of the Stimulating Palatal Plate by children with Trisomy 21 on orofacial myofunctional changes perceived by parents, children’s adaptation, and family’s satisfaction after four months of treatment. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 35(2), e55472.


