Development of an application for sleep hygiene in adults
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Sleep Hygiene, Sleepiness, Sleep Medicine SpecialtyAbstract
Introduction: Different clinical conditions can affect the quantity and quality of sleep. Sleep hygiene measures directly affect the quality of sleep. They can be disseminated to the population by means of applications. Objective: To develop, evaluate and make available an application that approach sleep hygiene and that is able to generate changes and verify the occurrence of excessive daytime sleepiness. Methodology: The application “Somnum” was developed and 26 speech therapists certified in sleep by the Brazilian Sleep Association were invited to evaluate it using the Emory questionnaire and another questionnaire developed by the authors. Afterwards, 38 students used the application and answered before and after the use the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Epworth Scale. Results: After its development, the app was evaluated by 4 speech therapists who contributed with their suggestions, and 38 university students participated by answering the questionnaires, 6 of them before and after the use of the application. In the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, it was observed in the statistical analysis, comparing before and after using the application, improvement in sleep quality (p=0.04). In the Epworth questionnaire, it was verified in the situation after using the “Somnum” application, that there was not significant difference. Conclusion: After using the application, there was a possible improvement in sleep quality. There was occurrence of excessive daytime sleepiness.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Isabela Pereira, Letícia Diniz Lopes, Gustavo Afonso Pires Severo, Melissa Picinato-Pirola, Camila Castro Côrrea

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