Pragmatic disorders in children with Phonological Disorder
a systematic review
Child, Verbal Behavior, Specific Language Disorder, Social Communication DisorderAbstract
Introduction: Pragmatics is defined as the social use of language while phonology looks to phonemic and syllabic organization. In the phonological disorder, problems are observed in this organization being possible to affect the pragmatics too. Objective: To understand and demonstrate if there are pragmatic alterations in children with Phonological Disorder. Methodology: The search for studies was carried out using electronic databases: Embase, Google Scholar, BVS - (LILACS), PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science and The Theses and Dissertations Database. The descriptors used were: “child”, “speech sound disorder”, “language tests”, “verbal behavior”, “social communication disorder” and “observational studies as topic” and their synonyms. The selected articles met the following criteria: sample composed of children aged 4 to 10 with phonological disorder and within standard development, evaluations of the pragmatics of these children, and observational design. The articles were analyzed by reading them in their entirety and the data were extracted to evaluate the methodological quality and the findings. Results: Six articles were found, four national and two international. Discussion: Five studies showed that there were pragmatic alterations in children with phonological disorder and one concluded that there was no relationship. Final considerations: The present systematic review revealed that the studies show pragmatic alterations in children with phonological disorder, especially regarding the intelligibility of their speech and how this may affect communication initiatives. However, due to the low number of studies, there seems to be a need for future research relating the two subjects for such evidence to be more robust.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Bárbara Giordani Cristofoli, Lara Regina Nascimento Alves, Carolina Büttenbender, Emanuelle Baldassari Scotti, Alexandre do Nascimento Almeida, Letícia Pacheco Ribas
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