Characteristics of oral and written communication in adults living in a long-stay institution
Mental Health, Aged, Homes for the AgedAbstract
Introduction: The need to change the conception of society about individuals with mental disorders and reinsert them in social spaces is increasingly evident, especially when they live in a long-term care institution (LTCI). Objective: To characterize different ways in which individuals living in a LTCI communicate, expressing their uniqueness through the mediation of oral and written language during workshops. Methods: Descriptive qualitative study. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was used for initial screening and oral and written language workshops were held with residents of a LTCI. Data were registered in a field diary and categorized and exemplified with the records made. Results: 25 workshops were held, in which the possibilities of communication between participants through oral and written language were sought, with emphasis on the stimulation of cognitive skills of attention and memory. Facts were extracted that allowed them to be divided into six categories, demonstrating that individuals with mental disorders can communicate in different ways, be understood and belong to the space they are inserted in, providing a collective construction of knowledge and experiences. Conclusions: Through communication, it is possible to develop cognitive, social and oral language, contributing to the improvement of quality of life, valuing those involved as social and historical subjects. In multi and interdisciplinary work in LTCI for adults with mental disorders, Speech-Language Therapy finds favorable shapes for the work on the cognitive and linguistic aspects of the subjects in question.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Brunna Coutinho, Gabriel Trevizani Depolli, Larissa Bassan
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.