Swallowing difficulties in the different forms of food supply in congenital heart disease infants

a systematic review





Infant, Heart Diseases, Deglutition, Breast Feeding, Nursing Bottles


Introduction: The safest way of feeding babies with heart disease can be a challenge for the multidisciplinary team to choose. Objective: To identify the main swallowing difficulties in the different forms of feeding in infants with congenital heart disease. Methods: The guiding question was: “What are the main swallowing difficulties in the different forms of feeding in infants with congenital heart disease?”. The population was defined as infants with heart disease, considering breastfeeding as exposure of interest and bottle feeding considered a comparison group. Swallowing difficulties were considered the outcome. Articles without language restriction were selected, regardless of the year of publication until April 2019, which presented in the title, abstract or body of the article a relationship with the objective of the research and the eligibility criteria, with an observational design. After data extraction, the measurements were transformed into percentages and described in a qualitative synthesis. Results: A total of 828 articles were found, and after analysis, 11 articles were included in total. The main difficulties presented by infants with heart disease at the mother’s breast were coughing, choking, cyanosis, drop in peripheral oxygen saturation and incoordination between sucking, breathing and swallowing. The swallowing difficulties most found in the offer of the mother’s breast were: cough, choking, cyanosis, drop in saturation, incoordination between sucking-breathing-swallowing, fatigue, oral leakage, prolonged feeding time, inadequate lip sealing, inadequate nipple grip, and altered cervical auscultation. Conclusion: Infants with heart disease have swallowing difficulties both in the mother’s breast and in the bottle, with a higher frequency of presentations of difficulties being observed with the bottle.


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How to Cite

Silva, N. B. M., Miranda, V. S. G. de, & Barbosa, L. D. R. (2023). Swallowing difficulties in the different forms of food supply in congenital heart disease infants: a systematic review. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 35(1), e57102. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-2724.2023v35i1e57102


