Self-perception of the effects of oral communication training in public speaking situations

a study before and after intervention with announcers of a university radio




Communication, Speech, Radio, Voice training, Universities


Introduction: training for the development of oral communication can improve self-perception of speech and voice, especially in public speaking situations. Objective: to describe the self-perception of the effects of oral communication training for university radio announcers in public speaking situations. Method: this is a before and after intervention study. The Expressiveness Development Program for Oral Communication was applied to eight speakers during eight two-hour meetings. The Self-Assessment of Voice and Speech Skills in Different Communicative Contexts questionnaire was applied in the first and last meeting. Results: the sample consisted mostly of young single women and students, who worked part-time for three days. The public speaking situations that occurred at the beginning of the training eventually became more frequent. There was a reduction in the symptoms of nervousness, anxiety, worry and confusion in the content during the speech. The perception of tremor and voice breaks reduced, and the symptom of faster speech increased. There was a previous report that the interlocutors evaluated their variable diction with the situation, and in the end, they stated that it was the same as usual. At the end, they said, people rated their communication as good. Conclusion: the training discreetly resulted in positive self-perception for speech organization and in symptoms of vocal deviations and changes in the speakers’ speech.


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Author Biographies

Denis de Jesus Batista, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Mestrando em Fonoaudiologia pelo Programa Associado de Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB/UFRN/UNCISAL). Pós-graduando em Fisiologia do Exercício aplicado à clínica pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Santos/SP. Bacharel em Fonoaudiologia pelo Centro Universitário Jorge Amado (UNIJORGE) - Salvador/BA.


Aline Santos da Conceição, Centro Universitário Jorge Amado

Graduated in Speech and Language Therapy from the Jorge Amado University Center (UNIJORGE).


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How to Cite

Batista, D. de J., & Conceição, A. S. da. (2023). Self-perception of the effects of oral communication training in public speaking situations: a study before and after intervention with announcers of a university radio. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(4), e57797.


