Electromyographic rest of the masticatory muscles of patients with temporomandibular disorders before and after speech therapy with and without elastic bandage
Temporomandibular joint, Electromyography, Elastic Therapeutic Bandage, Musculoskeletal Manipulations, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction SyndromeAbstract
Purpose: Objective: The research aims to verify the electromyographic rest thresholds of the masseter and temporal muscles in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) before and after speech therapy intervention with and without the use of therapeutic elastic bandage. Methods: The collection included 14 female participants, aged between 18 and 40 years, who had a diagnosis of muscular or mixed TMD. The patients were divided into two groups: with traditional therapy (CB) bandage and traditional therapy (SB) only group. The patients underwent initial evaluation, as well as surface electromyography in situations of maximum voluntary contraction and rest and at the end of the four weeks of intervention, a new evaluation was performed with the same instruments. Data analysis occurred quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: In the SB group, the right masseter muscle showed a significant increase in resting values. It was observed that the same occurred for all muscles in this group, influencing the balance of the ipsilateral and contralateral muscles, although without statistical evidence. The CB group did not show statistically significant values, but qualitatively the muscle rest values decreased and balanced in a contralateral way. Conclusion: No statistically significant changes were observed in the resting electromyographic thresholds of the masseter and temporalis muscles in both groups. Qualitatively, there was an increase in electromyographic values after traditional manual therapy in all muscles in the SB group. Regarding the CB group, there was a decrease in electromyographic resting values after therapy, although without statistical evidence.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Camila Fernandes, Makelis Oneide dos Santos, Claudia Tiemi Mituuti, Patricia Haas, Fabiane Miron Stefani
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