Perceptual analysis of the tongue position in the production of [s] by SLP students




Tongue, Speech, Speech Disorders, Speech Perception


Introduction: the visual identification of articulator positioning and auditory perception in the phoneme [s] are needed for clinical decisions and treatment monitoring. This can be challenging for untrained evaluators. Objective: to verify whether untrained evaluators are able to visually identify typical and atypical tongue positions in the production of phoneme [s] and to auditorily perceive typical and atypical productions; as well as to understand which tongue adjustments are more difficult to be visually perceived and which auditory productions are more easily identified. Methods: ten speech-language pathology students analyzed 20 recorded speech samples, being 10 with typical speech production and 10 atypical speech production regarding the [s] movement, and the answers were compared with a gold-standard evaluation. The Kappa agreement, Chi-squared test, Anova repeated measures and Student´s t-test were used with 5% of significance. Results: there was an association and agreement with the gold standard evaluation for tongue positioning, with a mean percentage of 40% for correct answers regarding typical position, 17.5% when the tongue was against the teeth and 10% when interposed. In the auditory perception; most evaluators did not show association and agreement with the gold standard evaluation, with an average percentage of 50% for correct answers in the absence of distortion and a significant reduction in the presence (18.5%). Conclusion: the students had difficulty in the visual identification of the tongue positioning for atypical speech productions, as well as in the auditory identification of typical or atypical productions, and the greater difficulty occurred when there was distortion.


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How to Cite

Geremias, B. C. ., Abreu, A. C. V., Gurgel, J. de A., Genaro, K. F., Chagas, E. F. B., & Marino, V. C. de C. (2023). Perceptual analysis of the tongue position in the production of [s] by SLP students. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(4), e58031.


