Swallowing of critical patients and its association with epidemiological and clinical characteristics
Deglutition Disorders, Intensive Care Units, Risk Factors, Intubation, Intratracheal, DeglutitionAbstract
Introduction: Dysphagia is a swallowing disorder with specific signs and symptoms, characterized by alterations in any phase or between phases of swallowing dynamics, of congenital or acquired origin, which can lead to pulmonary, nutritional and social damage. It is a disorder often found in the intensive care unit (ICU). Therefore, the early identification of the main etiological agents for swallowing disorders is essential to promote more adequate speech therapy assistance. Objective: To verify the association between epidemiological and clinical characteristics with the outcome speech-language pathology contraindication for oral feeding in patients admitted to an ICU. Methods: Cross-sectional study that evaluated patients admitted to the ICU who underwent clinical evaluation of swallowing between October 2018 and May 2019. Level 1 of the Functional oral intake scale (FOIS) was considered at higher risk for respiratory aspiration and compared with FOIS levels 2-7. Epidemiological and clinical variables were obtained from patient records. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify associations and effects between variables and the outcome contraindication of oral feeding. The significance level adopted was 5% and the analyses were performed using the SPSS v.21.0 program. Results: 128 patients were included (64.9% undergoing orotracheal intubation - OTI; age of 60 ± 15.3 years). Patients with FOIS 1 spent more days on OTI, had a prolonged stay in the ICU and each day of hospitalization had a 5% risk of contraindication of oral feeding in the speech-language pathology assessment. Conclusion: There was an association between longer times of orotracheal intubation, in addition to longer previous hospitalization time, with the contraindication of oral feeding.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fabiane Machado de Souza, Oellen Stuani Franzosi, Rose Plotnik, Luana Cristina Berwig, Silvia Dornelles
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