Adaptation of children’s leveling formula for Brazilian Portuguese

preliminary results




Comprehension, Writing, Child, Narration, Early Intervention Education


Introduction: Practices for the teaching of reading in Brazil can be represented by the adaptation and validation of a children’s book leveling instrument already proven to be effective in another language and culture. Objective: The present study aims to adapt Hatcher’s formula to level children’s books for use in Brazilian Portuguese, making it available as a working tool to professionals in different areas with regard to the selection of books suitable for the age and stage in which readers are beginning their first years of literacy in Brazil. Method: The research will follow the following steps to adapt the leveling formula for children’s books: (1) translation of the formula from the source language to the target language, that is, from English to Portuguese; (2) synthesis of the translated versions; (3) evaluation of the synthesis by expert judges; (4) evaluation of the formula by the target audience, considered here teachers from the early years of elementary school; (5) reverse translation of the instrument. Results: The translated formula for Children’s Book Leveling presented 72% of content validity coefficient, in relation to clarity, and 80% of practical relevance, proving to be a useful document, easy to apply and suitable for health professionals and of education that will be able to evaluate and level the books before recommending them to beginning readers. It is expected, in later studies, to apply this formula to facilitate the work in selecting titles indicated to the target audience.


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Author Biographies

Helena Ferro Blasi, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1984), Degree in Speech Therapy from the Sagrado Coração University Center (1992). Master in Linguistics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1998), PhD in Linguistics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006), Post-Doctorate from the University of Oxford - UK (2016-2017).

Leia Gonçalves Gurgel, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Speech therapist graduated from the Federal University of Health Sciences in Porto Alegre. Master and Doctor by the Graduate Program in Health Sciences at UFCSPA. Post-Doctorate in Interdisciplinary Area (UFCSPA/ CAPES). Specialist in Language, Voice and Orofacial Motricity by the Federal Council of Speech Therapy (CFFa), Specialist in Neuropsychopedagogy. Researcher at the Psychological Assessment Research Laboratory at UFCSPA and at the NUPES group at UFSC.

Luciane Mari Deschamps, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduated in Letters, Language and Portuguese and Spanish Literature from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Post-graduation in Psychopedagogy by UNISUL. Speech therapist.


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How to Cite

Blasi, H. F. ., Gurgel, L. G. ., & Deschamps, L. M. (2023). Adaptation of children’s leveling formula for Brazilian Portuguese: preliminary results. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(4), e58367.


