Parents’ perceptions about the participation and communication of their children with non-speaking cerebral palsy




Disabled Children, Cerebral Palsy, Language Development, Communication Barriers, Communication Aids for Disabled, Social Inclusion


Introduction: Knowing family members’ perceptions about the participation and communication of their children with non-speaking CP (Cerebral Palsy), contributes to educational and therapeutic processes centered on the person and family. Aim: Become acquainted with participation and communication aspects of children and adolescents with non-speaking CP, as well as factors that favor or hinder AAC (Augmentative Alternative Communication) use in the family environment and school. Method: Descriptive and cross-sectional study with a qualitative approach, with a sample of five mothers of students with non-speaking CP. Results: Mothers report barriers to their children’s participation and recognize the importance of communication in family interactions and activities. They mention not having achieved functional use of AAC at home, but express satisfaction with the level of communication they have with their children. On the other hand, they address communication difficulties when they are unable to identify their children’s wishes or when their children are with other interlocutors. Conclusion: The findings show reduced participation of the children and the adolescent in the study, as well as little or no AAC use. In view of the difficulties reported by the participants, the findings reinforce the need to equip family members, in order to promote these children’s communication and participation. The importance of AAC professionals and special education teachers working in partnerships with families is reinforced. These professionals can help expand the ways in which mothers interact and communicate with their children, and vice versa, aiming at greater participation among them.


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How to Cite

Rezende, A. C. F. A., Passos, P. M. P., & Chun, R. Y. S. (2023). Parents’ perceptions about the participation and communication of their children with non-speaking cerebral palsy. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(4), e58425.


