Analysis of knowledge by Brazilian speech therapists about the battery Evaluation of Auditory Responses to Speech


  • Cilmara Cristina Alves da Costa Levy Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo
  • Thais Talarico Rodrigues Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo



Hearing loss, Cochlear implants, Hearing aids, Protocols


Introduction: The advancement of hearing technologies has helped hearing-impaired children to hear, but it is necessary to monitor the development of hearing and oral language skills. Objective: The objective of this article is to analyze the knowledge of Brazilian speech therapists about the EARS battery, which presents nine protocols for evaluating the development of auditory and oral language skills. Method: This is a quantitative and qualitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study. Data collection was carried out using the Google Forms in a digital environment. The questionnaire consisted of 13 questions, four about the professional’s profile and nine about their knowledge and/or use of protocols proposed by the EARS battery. 67 participants responded to this study. Results: Of this total, 70% work directly in speech therapy, 41% work in both private and public services. 97% consider it important to use protocols for evaluating and monitoring auditory and oral language skills and 92% feel that validated protocols are lacking. Regarding the use of EARS battery protocols, it was found that the most common are MUSS, MAIS, GASP and MTP. Conclusion: The tests that Brazilian speech therapists most adopt are the MUSS, MAIS, GASP and MPT. Most use more than one protocol in assessment, monitoring and even rehabilitation. However, it is noted that there is still a lack of validated protocols to cover the stages of development of auditory and oral language skills in children with hearing impairment.


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How to Cite

Levy, C. C. A. da C., & Rodrigues, T. T. (2024). Analysis of knowledge by Brazilian speech therapists about the battery Evaluation of Auditory Responses to Speech. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 35(4), e62835.


