Ageism and Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
when the prejudice interferes in the clinical view on the aged person
Ageism, Aged, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Deglutition Disorders, Communication DisordersAbstract
The World Health Organization Combating proposes combating ageism toward older persons- conceptualized as stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination against older people. Due to the role of speech and language pathologist (SLP) and audiologist in gerontology, because of the possible impact of ageism in caring for older persons and because we didn’t find studies similar to this research, we aimed to discuss ageism between SLP and Audiology professionals and students. We conducted an integrative review, searching articles, in 2023 April, by terms “ageism” and “SLP” in the scientific bases Scientific Electronic Library On-line (SciELO), Literatura Latinoamericana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Public Medicine Library (PubMed). All the research published in the last 15 years about the theme were included, as well as the theme-related cited in these researches. There were found five articles, all quantitative, published between 2003 and 2021, two in the United States of America, two in Chile and one in Brazil. Ageism was evaluated as prejudice, inadequate knowledge about the aging, inadequate attitude toward older persons and stereotypes about them. Ageism was found in half (n=2) of the studies that investigated SLP students, evidenced as inadequate knowledge in one of them and as prejudice in the other. Between SLP professionals, ageism was found in one of four studies, evidenced as a positive stereotype. The results are not generalizable, but they can stimulate reflections about repercussions in the care of aged persons and it points to the necessity of more studies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Francelise Pivetta Roque, Sara Geovanna Ramos Gonçalves, Priscila Starosky, Gisele Gouvêa da Silva, Renato Sampaio Lima, Tatiana Bagetti
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