Health promotion

understanding of elderly people participating in remote group activities


  • Amanda Darela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Aline Megumi Arakawa-Belaunde Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Health Promotion, Aging, Aged, Public Health, Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences


Introduction: Longevity is an achievement in society and, therefore, the support of health professionals is essential in order to give new meaning to aging. Promoting the health of the elderly can be carried out through group actions. Objective: To analyze health-promoting actions, which are understood by elderly people, participants in a group of remote activities. Methodology: Descriptive, exploratory study of a qualitative nature. Elderly people participating in a university extension project were invited. The inclusion criteria were age equal to or over 60 years old, regardless of gender and level of education. The remote group took place weekly, for 13 meetings, lasting one hour. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview containing questions about understanding regarding the health-promoting actions they carried out in their daily lives. The responses were categorized using Content Analysis, thematic modality. Results: 11 elderly people participated, aged between 60 and 81 years, predominantly women and widows. Three categories emerged from the analyses: 1. Self-care: health-promoting actions, 2. Difficulties experienced to promote health; 3. Perception of quality of life and health satisfaction. Conclusion: The group's understanding encompassed the promotion of health in its physical, mental and social aspects, moving away from thinking focused on the absence of disease. Elderly people manage, in their own way, ways to stay healthy.


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How to Cite

Darela, A., & Arakawa-Belaunde, A. M. (2024). Health promotion: understanding of elderly people participating in remote group activities. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 36(1), e64616.


