Quality of life of persons with non oncological diseases and dysphagia that need palliative care
Quality of Life, Deglutition Disorders, Adult, Aged, Palliative Care, Speech, Language and Hearing SciencesAbstract
Introduction: Oropharyngeal dysphagia impacts on quality of life of persons under palliative care. Objective: To discuss the literature about quality of life of adults and older people living with non-oncological diseases and oropharyngeal dysphagia with needs of exclusive or predominant palliative care. Method: we realized a integrative review in LILACS, SciELO and PubMed databases, in September 2023, using the descriptors “swallowing disorders” or “swallowing” and “palliative care” and “quality of life” - there were variations due to the search tools of each base. We included studies on this theme of any publication year or language, excluding those about only esophageal dysphagia and/or cancer patients. Other researches cited in these were also selected, checking the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Initially the search returned 84 studies. After reading them, we selected five ones, three qualitative and two quantitative studies, two European and three Brazilian papers, published in the last decade. Two were indexed in PubMed (one of them also in SciELO), two in SciELO and LILACS and one, only in LILACS. Conclusion: The literature was scarce, with different methods and small samples, discussing a relationship between oropharyngeal dysphagia and altered quality of life, one of them suggesting a positive impact of speech therapy intervention. The need for palliative speech therapy care is evident, taking into account quality of life as a measure of the effects of intervention. More studies are needed with better methodology so that it is possible to establish clinical guidelines in palliative speech therapy.
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