Emotional status and quality of life in older adults, pre and post use hearing aids
Hearing Aids, Older Adults, Quality of Life, Anxiety, DepressionAbstract
Introduction: Hearing loss (HL), by impacting the auditory perception, affects socialization, and is related to emotional states and quality of life. Objective: To describe emotional states and quality of life of older adults with HL before and after the use of hearing aids (HA). Method: This is a descriptive, longitudinal study with a quantitative approach, consisting of a convenience sample of 20 older adults with HL (50% men), with a mean age of 75.8 years (SD = 8.5), who were in the process of adapting to the use of the HA, who answered the following instruments: Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and Quality of Life in the Elderly (WHOQOL-OLD), before and after thirty days of HA use, by means of statistical comparison. Results: Comparatively, according to the two moments, there were improvements in the reduction of anxiety and depression scores with the use of HA, as well as an improvement in quality of life, especially in social participation. Conclusion: The use of HA was an improvement on the life of the older adults, through the reduction of depression and anxiety indicators, and has demonstrated superior scores in quality of life.
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