Language of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in the perception of mothers using PROFILE - Exploratory study




Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mother-Child Relations, Child Language, Non-Verbal Communication


Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by persistent difficulties in communication, interaction, and repetitive and restricted patterns. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) supports language in limited speech.To develop language, the child needs the other, and mother recognizes her role in the discourse as a communication partner. Few instruments in AAC allow for an understanding of their language, among them Profile – The Pragmatics Profile for People who use AAC, originally in English, with no validated version for Brazilian Portuguese. Objective: To understand the perception of mothers of children with ASD, with restricted speech regarding their language, using the Profile. Method: Exploratory study approved by CEP nº 47884421.10000.540. Consisting of three mothers of children with AAC, restricted oral language, and AAC users. In data collection, the Profile was used, translated, and adapted by the authors and presents three thematic axes. Results: The axis of context and motivation, mothers reported that their children express their preferences in various ways (AAC, body/movement, approximated words and others). Reasons for communication and reactions to communication, they observed a greater use of body movement. Contextual variation, they noted increased interaction between their children and family members. The findings indicate that, in the mothers’ perception, restricted oral language is not a limiting factor in their children’s linguistic interaction. Conclusion: The results provide important insights into the language of the children studied, highlighting the applicability of the Profile in Brazilian contexts, although the findings cannot be generalized due to the sample’s limitation.


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How to Cite

Piccoli, T. C., & Chun, R. Y. S. (2024). Language of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in the perception of mothers using PROFILE - Exploratory study. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 36(4), e67241.


