Characteristics associated of family member’s perception regarding the importance of the Inmetro Noise Seal for children’s toys
Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced, Games and toys, Hearing, ChildAbstract
Introduction: Exposure to high sound pressure levels is a problem in modern society, especially among children. Purpose: To analyze the characteristics associated with family members’ perception of the importance of the Inmetro Noise Seal for children’s toys. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Data were collected through a questionnaire answered by parents and/or guardians of children between zero and five years of age. Results: The highest prevalence of individuals who knew the importance of the Inmetro Noise Seal was among guardians (66.7%), males (36.4%), aged 18 to 29 (37.5%), black (60.0%) and with up to one child (29.2%). The characteristic considered when buying a toy, which was most mentioned by participants, was the skill that the toy stimulates (92.3%). There was greater awareness of the importance of the Noise Seal among those who: considered the child’s hearing health when purchasing a toy (46.2%), considered Inmetro certification when purchasing a toy (41.7%), knew what hearing loss was (29.2%), had their children playing with noise-producing toys three to four days a week (40%) and did not buy toys without the seal (31.8%). The reported volume of toys obtained a median of five points, ranging from one to 10. Conclusion: Family members who knew the importance of the Inmetro Noise Seal took into account the child’s hearing health and Inmetro certification when purchasing a toy, when compared to others.
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