Knowledge of primary health care residents about brazilian public policies related to breastfeeding
Breast Feeding, Cross-Sectional Studies, Primary Health Care, Health Policy, Knowledge, Health Human Resource TrainingAbstract
Introduction: The involvement of primary healthcare residents in the promotion, support, and protection of breastfeeding directly depends on their knowledge and understanding of public policies related to this issue. Objective: To analyze the level of knowledge of primary healthcare residents regarding Brazilian public policies related to breastfeeding. Methods: This cross-sectional study involves active residents in Multiprofessional and Medical Residency Programs in Primary Healthcare from various institutions and locations, including those who provided direct assistance to breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Data were collected online through a structured questionnaire. Results: The study included 129 residents, predominantly women (85.3%), and a majority from the Nursing field (n=30; 23.3%), Medicine (n=26; 20.2%), Dentistry (n=16; 12.4%), Nutrition (n=12; 9.3%), and Physiotherapy (n=10; 7.8%). Only 15.5% had completed a breastfeeding course, and 94.6% were aware of the recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding until six months of age. About 34.9% reported knowing about the Brazilian Norm for the Marketing of Food for Infants and Young Children, 38.8% (n=50) were familiar with the “Amamenta e Alimenta Brasil” Strategy, and only 36.4% (n=47) were aware of the support strategy for breastfeeding working women. Conclusion: Residents demonstrated a low level of knowledge regarding public breastfeeding policies, underscoring gaps in understanding these policies’ main objectives and strategies, highlighting educational gaps that vary according to professional training.
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