The silence of the victims

an incomprehensible narrative


  • Rodrigo de Araujo



silence, victims, right, literature, narrative


Narratives are innate to human beings, which in themselves are narrative beings. What would law be without narrative and what would literary narratives be without the formalities, institutions, and codes of law. Josef K and Alice are characters from the literary world who bring countless reflections on Law. But, faced with judgments and laws, they seem to be faced with an incompressible narrative. Such a feeling is the same as a victim, who despite being part of a narrative, cannot narrate their story. This shows a deficiency in the legal delimitation of the person of the victim in the Brazilian criminal procedure and the need to delimit his role.
The objective of the article is to work on law and literature, based on the victim's narrative in the criminal process. The methodology used is hybrid, descriptive-bibliographic-explanatory in nature


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How to Cite

Araujo, R. de. (2024). The silence of the victims: an incomprehensible narrative. Revista Fronteiras Interdisciplinares Do Direito, 1(1).